Fat Burner Diet Patrick Holford
Fat Burner Diet Patrick Holford
Health Heroes Series - What really cause heart disease? The clot thickens
December 3, 2021
Malcolm Kendrick is a GP who lives and works for the NHS in Cheshire. He has an enduring passion for heart disease. What causes it and what doesn't. Here's one clue - it is not cholesterol in the diet - or the bloodstream. His first book 'The Great Cholesterol Con', written in 2007, remains a thorn in the side of the cholesterol theory. He has written two other books: 'A Statin Nation', and 'Doctoring Data' on how medical research is manipulated to serve commercial interests. His latest book The Clot THICKENS, unravels what really causes cardiovascular disease. This podcast includes an exclusive interview with the late Dr Linus Pauling and explains why COVID-19 is not just a respiratory but a vascular disease.
For more information on heart disease visit my website: www.patrickholford.com/topic/heartdisease
I would also recommend looking at Dr Kendrick's page on "The Clot Thickens": https://bit.ly/3olRrSJ
Flu Flighters Series - Other Approaches to Covid
November 4, 2021
Vaccination is one approach to covid, triggering acquired immunity. But what else can be employed a) to support innate immunity and b) to supress viral replication? In this month's podcast I'll be updating you on three strong candidates – vitamin C, vitamin D and the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin – by talking to vitamin D expert Dr David Grimes and Ivermectin expert Dr Tess Lawrie as well as updating you on a review of 12 vitamin C for covid trials.
David Grimes qualified in medicine at Manchester University in 1966. He was appointed Consultant in General Medicine and Gastroenterology in Blackburn, Lancashire, in 1977 and he finally retired at the end of 2014. He was concerned about the geographic, social and ethnic variations in health affecting his patients and the local population, and this led to a long research interest that identified the immense importance of vitamin D in our health.
Dr Tess Lawrie is founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (bird-group.org), is the Director of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and founded the community interest company EbMCsquared this year to address the public need for transparent and objective research related to covid-19 therapeutics. She is author of over 80 published research papers and is committed to improve the quality of healthcare globally through rigorous research as a founder member of the World Council for Health.
See my website for my latest Covid News and the 12 Trials review - click on the tab Blogs and Reports.
Flu Fighters Series -All Things COVID
September 3, 2021
Today my podcast guest is the award-winning medical journalist Jerome Burne who has exposed many a scandal, been first to the press with numerous breakthroughs, both in complementary and mainstream medicine.
His latest piece, in the Daily Mail last month was on Long covid. In this podcast, we're going to discuss all things covid related, from vaccines to vitamins, long covid, anti-viral drugs such as Ivermectin, and the politics behind the current and alternative approaches to the pandemic.
Health Heroes Series - How To Starve Cancer
August 6, 2021
There's nothing like impending death to sharpen resolve. Faced with grade 4 lung cancer secondaries (there's no grade 5), my podcast guest Jane McLelland sharpened her scientific mind and delved deep into how to starve cancer and kill it, which she did twice when it returned as leukaemia.
Her (just out) new second edition of her book 'How to Starve Cancer and Kill it with Ferroptosis' is, in my opinion, a masterpiece representing a paradigm shift in understanding how to kill cancer. Professor Thomas Seyfried, a hero of mine who has the best success with aggressive brain cancers, describes it as 'A monumental accomplishment. A strategy for surviving advanced cancer regardless of the tissue or organ involved. Jane has done a great service to mankind!" I agree with him.
In vibrant health, this former chartered physiotherapist has charted the murky water that too many people find themselves in and found a way through.
As well as listening to this podcast her book and online course are available from www.howtostarvecancer.com.
Health Heroes Series - How Junk Food Kills People
July 1, 2021
In this podcast, I interview Dr Robert Lustig who is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He specializes in the field of neuroendocrinology, with an emphasis on the regulation of energy balance. His research and clinical practice have focused on childhood obesity and diabetes, but we'll be talking about what's really driving ill-health and what we can do about it on both a personal and societal level.
To find out more about this latest book, or to purchase your copy, click here - https://robertlustig.com/. More on diabetes and diet on my website: https://www.patrickholford.com
Health Heroes Series - Food Allergies & Food Intolerances
May 14, 2021
This week I'm speaking to Dr Gill Hart about food allergies and food intolerances, whom I consider to be the most informed scientist on food intolerance as well as an expert biochemist with over thirty years' experience in the development and validation of hospital standard diagnostic tests and testing services. She has had her finger on the pulse of food intolerance tests for decades, so if you have ever suspected certain foods don't suit you, do listen to this podcast.
Gill completed her PhD in 1987 and started her career as Senior Biochemist at the Hammersmith Hospital in London. Gill joined the food intolerance lab YorkTest in 2005 as Scientific Director and has reviewed, designed and led many research studies delving into the world of how to testing for food intolerances.
She is an expert in food intolerance testing, and also consumer health testing in general. She says that "it's an exciting time for food intolerance and home heath testing as more than ever before, people feel empowered to make a positive difference to their health and wellbeing and prevent future health issues".
Find out about allergies and intolerance here.
Health Hero Series - Soil Is Food's Medicine
April 2, 2021
This week I'm joined by Craig Sams. He has always been a mover and shaker in the world of whole foods, but also where food comes from - the soil. In the 60's he founded Whole Earth Foods, introducing the first organic brown rice for the emerging natural foods market. In the 90's Craig and his wife Jo started Green & Blacks, the first organic chocolate and the first product ever to carry the Fairtrade Mark. More recently from 2000 he was chairman of the Soil Association, Director of Duchy Originals, supporting Prince Charles's effort to bring organic food to the people. He also chaired Slow Food UK. He founded Carbon Gold, to make biochar, a soil enricher to create healthy top soil, capture carbon and reverse global warming. We will talk about this.
We are going to explore to what extent our current climate issues and health from covid to cancer, could be a consequence of soil abuse. We are going to discuss everything from soil to food to health, including the vital importance of the vast fungal network encompassing the earth, why modern farming and food is killing the earth and people, the organic vs genetically modified food debate, why viral pandemics are an entirely expected consequence and the dangers of ignoring our own immune system's needs for nutrients, the risk to our continuation as a species from xenoestrogens and the problems we are creating for ourselves by just relying on drugs and vaccines. This podcast will leave you with a much bigger picture of the connectedness of things and the kind of direction our lifestyles must take to be healthy and create a healthier planet.
Flu Fighters Series - Nutritional Approaches To Long Covid
March 12, 2021
This week I am joined by Professor Shirley McIlvenny, a doctor originally from Northern Ireland but now on the Gold Coast of Australia who works at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine and has been both a Professor of Family Medicine and Education.
She is an expert in post covid, or long covid and how to recover naturally. Dr Shirley has an excellent online programme to take you through the process of speeding up recovery from long covid which includes very informative webinars and an e-book.
If you sign up for the Long Covid - How to Recover Naturally Programme, please do use the code PH10. Dr Shirley will give you a 5% discount and kindly donate 10% of your course fee to help fund the VitC4Covid care home study. [No-one has ever measured what elderly people in care homes actually need in the way of vitamin C. With almost half of all covid deaths in the first wave being in care homes we have to find out. Grandparents lives matter].
There's also a wealth of information on my website on immunity. Please visitmy flu fighters page which acts as a hub for the latest covid-related podcasts, reports, blogs and research.
Health Heroes Series - Why You Need Vitamin D
February 12, 2021
In this month's podcast, I'm talking to my 'go to' guy for anything to do with vitamin D. For more years or decades than I care to remember, Dr William Grant has been the ultimate vitamin D ferret, squirreling away all the studies, digging deeply into the mechanisms, and working closely with the Grassroots health Initiative - which we'll talk about - and being the 'informant' for ultimate digital resource www.vitaminDwiki.com.
William Grant is the Founder and Director ofSunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, San Francisco. This is a non-profit organization devoted to research and education regarding diet, UVB exposure and vitamin D for reduced risk of chronic and infectious diseases.
Find out more aboutVitamin D ; how to measure and how much you need.
The Fat Burners Podcast - The Low GL Revolution
January 8, 2021
Firstly, welcome to my first podcast of 2021 and I wish you a happy and healthy new year. What better way to kick start 2021 by having a frank conversation about carbs, gaining weight, and losing blood sugar control.
My guest for today is an award-winning general practitioner, Dr. David Unwin, MD, known for pioneering the low-carb approach in the UK. In 2015, Dr. Unwin was made a UK Royal College of General Practitioners expert clinical advisor for his dedicated efforts within the areas of patient communication and type 2 diabetes. Then, in 2016, Dr. Unwin won the prestigious NHS Innovator of the Year award for his work with diabetes patients. In 2017 his practice saved £57,000 on drugs for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions by offering patients a dietary alternative to medications. Also in 2018, Dr. Unwin was named the ninth most influential general practitioner in the UK by GP magazine Pulse. Moreover, he is a clinical expert in Diabetes and is a Fellowship of the UK Royal College of General Practitioners.
Read about Low GL on my website.
Fat Burner Diet Patrick Holford
Source: https://patrickholford.podbean.com/
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